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Double src id

Hi there,
I just noticed something strange. I've tried to implement the new configuration view in our plugin which worked pretty good. But I couldn't get the plugin adapter to connect to COYO. I only get ERR6. I tried to debug and found out, that the src query parameter holds 2 UUID's joined with another dash like symbol '-' in between. So it looked something like this:
src param: ef956c74-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a4ed02c3d60d-5561ead0-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-017907e2855c
id 1: ef956c74-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a4ed02c3d60d
id 2: 5561ead0-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-017907e2855c

ID 1 and 2 are valid UUID's while the src param isn't. It would be nice to know, if this is the new default behavior for the source ID and which ID I would need to init the plugin adapter with.

Best regards