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Error Code 400 on https://community.haiilo.com/web/plugins/ec8f7316-d38a-4e68-828e-8a2efe614f2e/init

Hello, in the Haiilo instance community.haiilo.com our plugin is not loaded reliably . We have not been able to reproduce the error in other instances. The request <https://community.haiilo.com/web/plugins/ec8f7316-d38a-4e68-828e-8a2efe614f2e/init?srcld=7b0285c7-1dc2-47b1-ae34-fdeacf8c2171-94dc03f0-dbfd-4c2f-8823-d28b1e9afb35&jti=vZIINPs74iaJrNuC> gets a 400 error back in cases where the plugin is not loaded. Any help will be appreciated :) Best, Simon

Compatibility of updated manifest.json

I have updated the manifest.json by introducing a "config" to one of three existing EntryPoints. Now I get a warning that content may not be displayed when I update the plugin. This warning also lists widgets whose entryPoints have not been changed. In which cases do widgets/entryPoint no longer work after an update of manifest.json?

Fullscreen on plugin iframe

Hi, We are currently developing a plugin that can place videos on the page. Now we ran into the problem that the fullscreen mode does not work. If I am not mistaken, the plugin iframe does not allow it.  So I wonder if there is any chance that you can add that attribute to the plugin iframe as you have for common widget iframes? Best regards, David

Iframe is default set to display: inline

Hi there, we are currently developing a plugin which has a custom config view. The Problem is that regardless of the heigt of the content of the iframe, there is always a scroll bar, which makes it look a bit ugly. We found that the iframe element insidie of the coyo-iframe component has the css property "display: inline" which is the standard behaviour of an iframe. However this causes the scrollbar to always appear. Is there any way, we could set the iframe to a block element (display: "block"). This would solve the scrollbar problem, at least for this specific use case. Best regards Chris Langenberg

Scrolling behavior for navigation with different content height

I am using the "observeHeight" function provided by the plugin adapter. And have noticed the following: Given: I have a plugin whose content causes the COYO page to display a scrollbar. Now, if I navigate between two pages within my plugin without scrolling on the COYO page, the COYO page scrolls down to the point where the top of the plugin is the top edge of the COYO page. Correct and expected behavior. However, if I now scroll down a bit on the COYO page itself and navigate back and forth between the two pages, the top edge of the COYO page is suddenly somewhere in the middle of my plugin. However, it should also start at the top as if I hadn't scrolled at all. My questions now are: is it the desired behavior? Or is it a known issue and is there a workaround? Best Regards André

ERR8 "URL for CryptoKey not trusted."

We have our plugin in use in a COYO instance that is not running on the domain *.coyocloud.com. If the Coyo-plugin is included on a page, the error ERR8 "URL for CryptoKey not trusted." is displayed in the plugin. What do we need to do?

The data provided is invalid

I get a "The data provided is invalid" error message when I add a widget to a page in the "Edit-View". The selected entryPoint contains a text field for configuration. When saving the view, the request /web/widgets gets a 400 error code. The error message in the response mentioned "permissions". But what permissions do I need? 😅 Best, Simon Payload: {"insertedLayouts":[],"updatedLayouts":[],"deletedLayouts":[],"insertedWidgets":[{"slot":"layout-landing-page-04692d4d-4eb5-411c-8a2e-7282abd51df9-slot-header","widget":{"tempId":"540bd49e-195f-4f02-85a9-c6db8bf1829b","key":"plugin-03cfca76-9017-454c-a726-181a9ad1ffa9","parent":{"id":"04692d4d-4eb5-411c-8a2e-7282abd51df9","typeName":"landing-page"},"settings":{"_entryPointId":"4f434887-9289-48ac-986d-4ff1f37ab618","_srcId":"732a3dd5-6b1a-40d1-810c-512dfa7a282e-1aa4cf46-a278-4916-934b-ed710fd8847c","_config_episodeId":"61f2cd36-e68a-4f52-9f9f-2d9cd1065a9e"}}}],"updatedWidgets":[],"deletedWidgets":[],"slotOrders":[{"slot":"layout-landing-page-04692d4d-4eb5-411c-8a2e-7282abd51df9-slot-header","parent":{"id":"04692d4d-4eb5-411c-8a2e-7282abd51df9","typeName":"landing-page"},"widgetIds":["6b5d38d8-8f9c-43d3-8505-d6b0ce8deab3","540bd49e-195f-4f02-85a9-c6db8bf1829b"]}]} Response: {"errorStatus":"INVALID_ARGUMENTS","requestUri":"/web/widgets","timestamp":1647509371927,"context":{"message":"permissions"}}

How to catch all links (that are colored with link color)?

Hello, in addition to the link color, we would like to underline all links that are only colored with the link color. Unfortunately, all `<a>` elements will be colored with the link color, including blog titles, wiki titles, etc. But these are overwritten by new classes. The problem now is that there is no class with which we can underline all links without selecting all `<a>` elements. To exclude the classes individually is inefficient and could become incosistent in the future (with new features from coyo). How to solve this? Just looking at the future (EU plans to make accessible websites mandatory) this is a highly important issue. Best regards, Moritz